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How to Perform On-Page Optimization in 2017?

2017 has rolled in, and along with it new ways and techniques to perform on page optimization have rolled in. Gone are the ways when you used to optimize for getting a better page rank, or trying to fit your keywords in certain places for maximum effect. There are many tools available, free or paid, which focus on keyword placement or repetition for ranking in SERP’s, or you may do it manually. This was ok till now, but moving forward there are some critical flaws that need to be considered when you do on-page optimization.

Curb in the keyword repetition Compulsion

Currently, many top quality SEO tools like MOZ, SEO Quake etc., give a very high priority to the number of times a keyword is used in specific elements like Image Alt Tags, Meta Tags, Highlighted texts etc. But you have to understand that these tools are way behind the level of sophistication that Google employs in its algorithms. You can rise above the level set by these tools, utilize these tools just for meeting minimum requirements and then start your own customizations.

Our findings agree that it is still a decent idea to use Keywords based on searchers’ intent so that you can optimize your on-page for the queries that users may type into Google. But don’t get bogged down by the repetition rules, as those rules are not going to help you rank. And they will mess up your content quality and create a negative effect on the target audience, which in our opinion has a far greater impact

Keyword Targeting

Post Hummingbird and Rank Brain updates, it has become imperative using traditional ways to do keyword research has become redundant. If you want your website to rank at a decent position, then your keyword targeting must cater to the intent of the users.

Utilize the data provided by free keyword suggestion tools like, Keyword Planner, and try to understand what you target audience wants. Accordingly, you need to fashion your keywords and content. It is way easier to create a content that serves the query of the user, and then add the keywords accordingly.

We advise you to, find out what your users want and then deliver it via quality content fashioned with keywords, before anything else.

Related Topics

Google algorithms want to see webpages that intelligently employ phrases semantically, lexically, and logically in its content, related to the searchers’ query. When the given content is relevant as per the aforementioned criteria, Google’s on-page quality analysis systems will identify the content as:

This type of information on your webpage may very well get you that coveted featured snippet position

We advise you to use the keywords that have overgrown those old strategies of using synonyms and doing repetition of keywords, just to achieve higher ranking and claiming the featured snippet. This will dramatically boost the on page of your website.


It is a common misconception that having a high number of backlinks will beat anything in SEO. Today, content has the priority in everything. If your content is not up to the mark then no amount of links will get you high position.

We advise, if you are ranking on the 2nd or 3rd page of Google SERP’s, then increasing the number of links won’t do you any good. You need to find a better way to serve your user base and, intelligently create and curate you content that will serve the users.